Just as all the fun and festivity of the holiday season is winding down, it seems that we inevitably get hit with another season – cold season. This year, in particular, is shaping up to be a brutal one for the whole family, and we’re seeing germs of all kinds arriving earlier than normal and running rampant. The worst part is, kids are getting hit the hardest. With immune systems that are still maturing, kids are especially susceptible to every germ going around. Not only do we hate the thought of our little one’s suffering, having sick kids at home is tough for everyone. Between holiday season gatherings & back to school in the new year, it can be difficult to prevent kids from getting exposed to germs but there are some simple ways we can help support their little immune systems to keep them as healthy as possible.
At WishGarden we, of course, love what plants have to offer to support kids’ immune systems, and we tap into the power of these plants to create our immune remedies for kids. This year we are especially excited to be launching a new addition to that lineup - Elderberry Syrup for Kids!
Product Attributes & Function
Elderberry is basically an immunity superfood. It’s a fruit just like blueberries, blackberries and raspberries making it a safe choice for kids. But even better, it happens to be packed with vitamins, minerals and flavonoids that are some of the most important building blocks for strong immunity. Elderberries are especially high in Vitamin C which of course is the rockstar vitamin for our immune system. To bring even more immune strengthening compounds to this formula, we added a bit of Astragalus in a supporting role. Astragalus is one of the most important plants used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to strengthen our innate immune responses. The herbal extracts are then added into a base of honey which not only tastes great, it also offers its own powerful immune boosting benefits. All in all, kids benefit from an immune booster that pleases their sensitive palates, and Mom and Dad can feel really good about the quality and care we put into make this a safe and effective solution!
How to Take It
Elderberry Syrup for Kids is best used as a tonic – which means you want to take it consistently for the best results. Tonics work to strengthen us on a root level by supporting overall better health. Of course, they work best in conjunction with other healthy lifestyle habits like a nutrient rich diet, sleep and exercise. The best times of year to give this syrup to kids are when exposure to germs is highest – throughout the holidays, during the height of winter cold season and back to school times. If your little ones end up developing symptoms this season, the Elderberry Syrup is still a good bet to support them, but we also recommend adding in Kick-It Immune Activator For Kids and Congestion Rescue Immune Support for Kids, which are symptom soothers and help them get better faster! This product is appropriate for kids ages 1 and older. But we won’t tell if Mom, Dad and the whole family are sneaking shots of this powerful and tasty tonic!
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, or sell any product.
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