Is detoxing on the top of your New Year's resolution list? If so, you might want to explore all your options before diving deep into the vast world of detoxing and cleansing. There is a ton of misinformation out there — and some of it may even harm your body!
Thankfully, you can look to simple therapeutics to achieve gentle vitality and improve the building blocks for your body's natural detoxification process. Here are three of our favorite ways to detox naturally:
1. Limit Your Sugar Intake
When we reach for sugary treats, deep down, we all can hear the tiny voice saying, "Don't eat it, don't eat it!" Our mouths may salivate and our brains may crave it, but sugar is one of the worst things for us! It's a guilty pleasure type of relationship. When we consume excess amounts of sugar, the extra insulin can cause a variety of problems, and cardiovascular issues are at the top of the list.
Harvard Medical School states, "Consuming too much added sugar can raise blood pressure and increase chronic inflammation, both of which are pathological pathways to heart disease." But what is a normal amount of sugar to consume at a time? Staying within 8–10 grams of sugar per serving is a good place to start, because human bodies can metabolize this range within a couple hours. Just watch out for added sugars on the nutritional label, as it often turns up where you least expect. You can even find excess amounts of sugar in natural ketchup!
Not only does limiting sugar support longevity, but it also gives your body the chance to properly preform normal toxin elimination functions, since it's no longer being bogged down processing all that sugar. It may take a couple weeks to stop salivating over those pink-frosted donuts, but your body will function more optimally after you limit sugar.
2. Drink Fresh Greens
If you can't eat multiple servings of vegetables, why not drink them? When I'm feeling weighed down, I like to make my own fresh green juice with Parsley, Ginger, Lemons, and green Apples. All organic, of course!
Parsley is a great alternative to fresh Spinach and Kale, because it's easier on the digestive tract. This fabulous herb is high in electrolyte vitamins, which help your body stay hydrated and achieve optimal detoxification! Parsley leaf contains flavonoids that support urine excretion. It's important to drink plenty of water while consuming Parsley, because you want everything to flow naturally.
In your quest for good health, I'm sure you've heard of adding Lemon juice to your water. Lemons are a fabulous source of bitter principles and pectin, which support a healthy, balanced pH environment. Like other members of the citrus family, Lemons contain compounds to support the elimination of free radicals in our bodies.
Want to start drinking your greens but not sure where to start? Here's one of my favorite green juice recipes:
DIY Healthy Green Juice
Lauren's Healthy Green Juice. Credit: Lauren Ann Nichols
You will need: (All fresh and organic)
- 1 bunch of Parsley
- 1 Lemon
- 2 green Apples
- 2 ounces of Ginger
- Water
- Blender (like Vitamix)
How to do it:
- Wash all produce well!
- Cut up appropriate chunks for your blender. You can leave on the Lemon peel, Apple stems, and all.
- Place all material in blender and cover with at least 32 ounces of water.
- Secure the blender lid and blend for 1–2 minutes.
- Strain all liquid with a fine mesh strainer into your storage vessel.
- Chill and enjoy within 48 hours.
Pro Tips:
*I like to add a pinch of Cayenne to increase circulation.
*Add one of WishGarden's hand-crafted herbal tinctures to your juice for an extra detox boost! I prefer the Deep Cleanse Reset & Flourish.
*Add an herbal lymph-moving tincture formulated with herbs like Cleavers and Red Root to support your lymphatic system and immunity.
If you have a targeted system in mind to detox, like the liver or kidney, look at these liquid tonics that are safe for daily use:
Liver Strength is a normalizing tonic with unique herbs. Motherwort supports a healthy inflammation response and moves fluid to the organs of elimination. Yellow Dock root is known for its macro nutrients to support healthy liver function. Regular consumption of this herb can activate the detoxification process in the liver and boost bile production. Finally, Watercress aerials are rich in vitamins like iron and calcium.
3. Get Moving
You know it's true — you must start moving. Exercise is the most important therapeutic for overall good health. Try taking a 30-minute walk at lunch, after dinner, or in the morning. I once heard that the Japanese way to longevity is to walk 10,000 steps each day. So walk, walk, and walk some more! Walking improves lymphatic movement and circulation and supports cardiovascular health. In a world with thousands of supplemental options, sometimes taking a walk can save you money and achieve more vitality than anything in a bottle.
Lauren Ann Nichols-Sheffler attended The Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism and received her certificate in medical herbalism. She is the owner of Blue Yarrow Herbs aka Herbal Vice, an herbal product company practicing bioregional herbalism by cultivating plants and sourcing locally. Lauren loves educating and advocating for plant sustainability. She is the sourcing and Purchasing manager for WishGarden Herbs.
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, or sell any product.
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