From the moment a woman discovers she is pregnant, a potently, protective energy will naturally flow to the forefront of her mind. Every choice made moving forward holds more weight than ever, and the safety of her and her baby is top priority. As a midwife-founded company, we deeply understand this “mama bear” mentality. From fertility to postpartum, we aim to provide safe and effective formulas that support mom and baby throughout the entire journey.
Herb Safety During Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Postpartum
Above all, safety is the most important factor to consider when women are deciding which supplements and herbs to take during pregnancy. Unfortunately, there is a lot of conflicting information floating around on the web when it comes to the safety of herbs during pregnancy and nursing. So which sources can we trust and why is there so much conflicting information? One main reason is there aren’t as many clinical studies on herbs and pregnancy. Two other reasons are: potency and frequency. These factors are very important to keep in mind while researching herb safety. Many reports are on standardized herbs, or herbs taken in large quantities over long periods of time. A standardized version of an herb is usually concentrated, where the amount of a constituent within the plant will be higher than what you would find in the less concentrated, whole plant version. Simply put, there can be higher doses that effect the body differently than lower doses. How frequently and how long someone takes an herb will also cause different outcomes. Other factors include, someone’s health history, prescribed drugs they take, and their lifestyle can change how an herbal formula will communicate with a body system. This all makes for inconsistent outcomes and information.
Creating Pregnancy-Safe Products: WishGarden's Process
Not only are our pregnancy and postpartum formulas created by an herbalist and midwife, we also follow the safety guidelines of AHPA (American Herbal Products Association). AHPA is the national trade association and the voice of the herbal and natural products industries. As members, AHPA supports us by providing science-backed resources for responsible and sustainable commerce, as well as herb safety guidelines. This helps us make sure that the amounts and directions for use of our formulas are safe and backed by science and historical use.
All our formulas are comprised of whole plants, and usually combined with a team of other herbs; this way, we don’t have to use high amounts of any single herb. All of the herbs we use are safe to take at the recommended dose and frequency of use. Our pregnancy and postpartum lines are both safe to use while a woman is breastfeeding (except our Sage single-herb tincture). And every product in our pregnancy line has been deemed safe for use during pregnancy. So, mama can put her mind at ease!
The best route for navigating the natural medicine world during pregnancy is to make sure you are referencing a reliable source, to be mindful of potency and frequency, and focus on herbs that have a long history of safe use, especially by midwives. Mama should bear in mind that if she has a complicated medical history or is taking any prescribed medications, then she should always consult her practitioner when deciding what natural remedies are right for her and baby.
Alcohol Safety for Pregnant Women and Children
It may seem counterintuitive to include alcohol in a health supportive formula meant for children or pregnant women. However, alcohol can not only be safe but also can be made medicinal in the right forms and appropriate amounts. Using a small amount of alcohol in our pregnancy and children's lines was a conscious decision as it ensures the strength and efficacy of the formula. Extracts made with only glycerin or water limit the constituent profile. WishGarden's finished products contain a minimal amount of alcohol, which, per serving, is at a very low dietary level (similar to what is found in kombucha and ripe bananas). You can also further reduce the alcohol content by stirring your serving into hot water or tea for a few minutes.
Rebecca Younger is passionate about herbs and women's health. She aspires to plant seeds of inspiration within her community about plant medicine and healthier ways of life. She studied Herbal Medicine at Herbalism Roots in Denver and is a certified Doula through the Matrona Foundation. She is the customer journey lead at WishGarden Herbs.For educational purposes only.
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, or sell any product.
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